Monday Oct. 26th, 2020 POST
SS9: Today we did a chart on the Advantages and Disadvantage of Confederation (p.105-112 in Horizons =-info also on Moddle site). Then for HW is p. 108 Q#2,3 and Read p.116-118 and on p.118 dor Q#2(question only- no essay),4.
Thurs/Fri Oct 15/16th , 2020
SS9: By the end of class on Fri the groups Elections posters (details in Classroom) are to be done and handed in. Also we completed a Votecompass survey and question (details in Classroom).
Tue/Wed Oct. 13,14 2020 POST
SS9: On Tues students handed in the Fur Trade Comic Assignment (in classroom) and then watched student vote video where leaders answer 5 questions- see (handout) and website.
On Wed we watched some video’s on Gov’t in Canada and completed two sheets. Then we watched the provincial debate and wrote down some details on candidates. We started on Group Project for BCElection.